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Discussion questions for Sister of My Heart by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

  1. There is a sequel to this book, called Vine of Desire, detailing their lives together after Sudha goes to America.  Are you interested in reading it?
  2. Did you like one cousin better than the other?  Why?
  3. Talk about the male characters in the book (Sunil, Rajesh, Ashok, the girls’ fathers, and others).  Would you say that overall men are portrayed positively, negatively, or in a realistically complicated way?  Cite some examples to support your opinion.
  4. Sudha sacrifices a lot for Anju over the course of the novel.  Do you think she gives up too much?  Does Anju make equal sacrifices for Sudha?  Should she have?
  5. How do you think things would have been different if both Anju and Sudha had been told the stories of their fathers?  If only Anju knew, but not Sudha?
  6. What did you think about the way Sunil introduced himself to Anju in the bookstore?  Do you think he was being deceptive and manipulative, or was he thoughtful in wanting to give them a chance to meet before the “bride viewing”?
  7. Were you as surprised as Sudha when she learned the truth about her father?  What did you think of her reaction?  Why do you think Singhji kept the secret for so long and why reveal it when he did?
  8. If Sudha hadn’t gone to America, do you think she and Ashok would have been happy together?
  9. The reviewer from The New York Times says, “Banerjee’s poetically embroidered storytelling powers are in evidence but the plausible heart of the story itself has fallen away — leaving only colorful and exotic surface qualities intact, like a glittering sari slumped to the ground…” and that the story “entices but never truly grips the reader.”  On the other hand, the reviewer from Publisher’s Weekly calls the story “mesmerizing” and a “compelling read”.  Which reviewer do you agree with?
  10. This book was published in 1999 and takes place in the 1980s.  Much of the book centers on traditional women’s rules in Indian society of the time.  Would you be interested in reading a book that was written and takes place more recently to see if those expectations of women have changed?

For more questions, check out the publisher’s resources.

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