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In the Great Green Room: The Brilliant and Bold Life of Margaret Wise Brown by Amy GaryCategory: book with a color in the title

Review: Margaret Wise Brown was a prolific writer, creator, and wordsmith. Her children’s books have been transformative and everlasting. Amy Gary’s book provides a front row seat to Margaret’s wonder, her massive body of work, and her desire to understand and feel awe. This book also completes the picture of who Margaret was, and the adventures and love that she thrived on.  From elaborate rabbit hunts to devoted research on cloud watching, her view of the world is fascinating to marinate in while reading In the Great Green Room.

The book begins with the discovery of Margaret’s unpublished works.  Discoveries like this are incredble ways to understand a life, history, and art on a deeper level. While reading this book I kept thinking about the documentary Packed In a Trunk (on Kanopy!) which reveals the life of artist Edith Lake Wilkinson through lost trunks full of her paintings and sketches. In both cases, the treasure of the find moves beyond the work itself, because it opens the door to understanding more about the artist and the influences that existed in their lives.

Margaret died at the age of 42 but still managed to secure her legacy and create a body of work that defies time. Now, with the help of Amy Gary, Margaret’s life is presented in full color and shows the incredible whimsy and nonconforming beliefs that will transfix the author and her words in your mind forever.

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